Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Internet, Humans Best Friend!

Hi, my name is Jelena, and I'm an Internetoholic!
I really don't know what I would do without Internet. Its not until your without Internet for a while, you see how much important it is too you. I haven't been able to do any job hunting, or writing blog or watching fun YouTube clips and it had been terrifying. I have been so desperate that I dragged my beloved lap top to friends houses, just to steal some needed Internet. But now its finally starting to work again, better and faster then before and I cant be more happy about it! Now I can FINALLY do some work on it, get information about things and continue my job hunting. Me and Phillip are also thinking of moving into the city, and for that to happen, I need to get myself a fulltime job so I can afford paying the rent and food, but also have spare money for amusement and to save up for my trips. So yeah, we will see how good that plan goes. Tomorrow night we are going to look at an apartment, and we will see how it goes from there. If the place has working whireless internet, ill move in faster then you can say "capped".

Monday, April 13, 2009

My New Job

I have finally gotten myself a job, in a cafe. Wohoo! Now I can start saving for all the trips I want to take! At last things are getting my way, and I cant be more happy about it =)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Priglavke Moje Drage!

Ljudi u Australiji neznaju sta je grijanje. Niko to nema u svojoj kuci i zimaje ko u jedan igloo. Bas mi nedostaju priglavke (najbolji izum sto se meni tice). Mama ako ovo procitas, molimte posalji mi nekolko priglavaka. Doce naravno u korist. Cmok!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Job Interview

The interview went very quickly and without me talking so much (she only asked me two questions). I was also being interviewed with another girl which made it a bit easier and more relaxed. But even if the interview was short and without much questions and with another person there, I was REALLY nervous. I still think I did better then last time, one big reason for that is that they want to see me again! I don't think it means I got the job yet, but they want to show me how they are working and if I am the right person for the position. Now I just need to book myself a time with them and we will see how it goes from there...Yeey!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Job Hunting, Work Out, Job Hunting, Weird Cat, Interview!, Work Out...

The last week has been pretty monotonous. I have been busy with job hunting (most of the time) and also working out (mostly jogging). I have also had the chance to discover that something is really wrong with Leila (Phillips cat). I think she suffers from some kind of retardation. This accord to me yesterday when I saw her drinking water from the toilet (?). I think that was the reason why she fell into the toilet the other day. She is drinking from everywhere els, except her own bowl. I am no cat expert, but I don't think that is a normal behavior...or is it?

Anyway, I got great news about my job hunting. I got an interview with a sales company...yeey! At least I'm getting somewhere! I have it on Thursday and I really hope it goes better then last time. I just need to relax and be myself the 15 min that the interview is going to take (thank god its not longer!). I would like to continue looking for jobs today, its just that our internet is capt and working REALLY slowly, so I cant do much on it. But that is good, because now I have a good excuse to clean up my room and sort my papers and clothes out (something that I should have done a long time ago). I will also make myself time to work out later and of course practise on my interview for tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Job Hunting

These past couple of days has been devoted for job hunting and training. Its time for me to start working out on a regular basis again after many months of bumming around, I just hope I can sustain my training program now that I have started.

And what It comes to job hunting, no new news. I applied for a couple of jobs yesterday, and last night I got an answer from one of them and it wasn't good. They already fulfilled the position that I was wanting. So its just for me to continue searching and not not give up. Before I came here I had goals that I wanted to achieve during my stay, and damn I'm going to achieve them! I am not going anywhere til I fulfill them and make the best out of my stay here! I just need to be stubborn and goal oriented and I guess everything will work it self out sooner or later.

Saturday, March 21, 2009