Monday, January 5, 2009

My First Week In Australia

So i have finally started my blog. I just haven't had the time to do it earlier until now. The week that i arrived was a busy one. My journey to Melbourne was very looong and very exhausting. I finally arrived to Melbourne at around six am the 27th of December and there was Phillip and his mum waiting for me. It was great seeing them again. Already the next day Phillip had plans for me. For new years we went too Phillips friends beach house at Loch Sport were we spent a couple of days, just drinking and having fun. I was even lucky enough to see wild echidna, hawk and several kangaroos at the place. It was pretty cool to see that as the crazy biologist i am =D After 5 days of drinking and sleeping on a cold matresse we had enough and went home. Not much as happened after that. I have only tried to organize my new life in Melbourne, fix bank account, library card and a new sim card! The next few days im gonna search for jobs and just cuddle with Phills cute little kitten and doggie! Hope all of my friends and family in Sweden are good and had a good new years. I want you all to know that i miss you all so much already! Happy new year to all of you!


  1. Miss you too!!!! Hoppas att du har det bäst! Hörs. Kram Puff

  2. i miss you more babe

  3. Puss on you all! Thanks for reading my shitty-english-spelling-blog ;)

  4. Jelloooo! Jag saknar dig också :) Det är jättekul att läsa vad du har för dig. VI har det fett kallt i Berlin. Men solen lyser idag :) det gör den nog för dig med.. hehe kraaaaamm!!

  5. Kul att du bloggar! Ska följa :)
    naaw, echidna va typ det sötaste djuret, googlade just. lägg upp bilder när du får tid :)
    miss you, ta hand om dig! pussokram

  6. roligt att läsa! hoppas allt är bra, här är det kallt o tentaångest. fick ett badmintonracket i julklapp men du är ju inte här... =(
    puss på dig /christina

  7. upp med bilder på de söta husdjuren! puss my shitty-sister

  8. Lotta: Har ni fått nå snö än då?
    Maria: Jaaa jag vet! Sötaste djuret ever! Och kan du snälla säga hur jag addar er andra bloggare på min sida? Hitta inte hur man gör =(
    Christina: Oh va jag saknar badminton! Du får släpa med Calle det här året jag är borta =)
    Syster: Lugn, bilder kommer upp nästa gång.
